Sandusky Transit System

Sandusky Transit System Logo
City of Sandusky Logo

Cedar Point, in partnership with the City of Sandusky, is excited to offer FREE transportation services to all Cedar Point Associates on the Sandusky Transit System!

Associates may utilize their Cedar Point ID as their bus pass.

The Sandusky Transit System offers bus services to most locations in the greater Sandusky area, including downtown, the Sandusky Mall, Meijer and Walmart.

STS routes and directions can be accessed via Google Maps. Download the Google Maps app for your smartphone!

All Sandusky Transit System buses are ADA accessible. Cedar Fair associates may utilize this perk using their Cedar Fair ID card. Dial-A-Ride services provided by the Sandusky Transit Systemare not included in this partnership.

For the Sandusky Transit Schedule, please visit the Sandusky Transit Website.