Valleyfair | Recognition and Reward Programs

Commitment to Fun

Valleyfair values the contributions, knowledge, and experience of long-term associates. In appreciation of this dedicated service, Valleyfair recognizes associates as they reach milestone seasons of service with a special anniversary pin.

Associate of the Month

The purpose of this award is to recognize associates who consistently go above and beyond in their everyday work. Associates receiving this award are top performers at Valleyfair, are viewed as leaders among their peers, and make everyone around them better because they are part of the team. Associates are nominated for this award by the department leadership.

Mission Awards

Includes two awards, the One Team & Memory Makers awards.

Teamwork is one of the top reasons why employees love working at Valleyfair, and we think this is a great thing to celebrate, value, and recognize. The Memory Maker award recognizes employees who when out of their way to ensure a guest had the Best Day Ever! These awards are given to an associate who contributed to the team performance, by helping others, and guest experience. This associate's efforts (outside of their own tasks) contibute in a significant way to the accomplishment of Velleyfair's goals. Associates are nominated for this award by their peers and leaders. There is no limit to the number of awards that can be given.

FUNominal Performance

This award provides in-the-moment recognition for associates who go above and beyond in their current role. Associates are given a FUNominal Performance when the leadership team sees them going the extra mile in providing outstanding service. FUNominal Performance can be redeemed at HR for Valleyfair Merchandise or at Cornerstone Café for food.

Values Awards

Associates who consistently uphold and demonstrate the Cornerstones of Service, Courtesy, Cleanliness, and Safety, along with Integrity will receive special recognition by Valleyfair through the Cornerstone Award. Special pins that may be worn on the uniform are presented to these associates along with a certificate of achievement. Associates can be nominated by supervisors and peers. Awards are determined by the executive committee and presented in a special recognition ceremony.